A concept common to preschoolers is friends, and fortunately there are plenty of great books on the topic! So it is something they can easily grasp and are interested in. For a craft project, try simple friendship bracelets made of a shoelace strung with pony beads. The craft helps a child develop motor skills.
Cohen, Miriam. WILL I HAVE A FRIEND? A little boy is worried that he won’t make any friends at school.
Ross, Dave. A BOOK OF FRIENDS. A very simple nonfiction book on friendship.
Delton, Judy. TWO’S COMPANY. Bear is jealous when his best friend Duck befriends their new neighbor squirrel.
Gorbachev, Valeri. THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR. Goat tries to help his friend Pig who is crying.
Becker, Bonny. A VISITOR FOR BEAR. A persistent mouse befriends a Bear who at first didn’t want any visitors at his house.
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. DOG AND BEAR: TWO’S COMPANY. A dachshund’s best friend is a teddy bear.
Havill, Juanita. JAMAICA TAG-ALONG. Jamaica plays with a younger girl after her big brother snubs her.
Winthrop, Elizabeth. LIZZIE AND HAROLD. At first, Lizzie doesn’t think Harold is a suitable best friend because he is not a girl.
DeRegniers, Beatrice S. MAY I BRING A FRIEND? Have the storytime crowd shout out which animal is revealed on the various days of the week.
Penny Peck, San Leandro Public Library