Many “everyday heroes” work in our hospitals; doctors and nurses will also fit the “community helpers” theme used in kindergarten. For a craft project, make medical bags out of construction paper.
App: Super Home Heroes. Fred Rogers Center.
Bridwell, Norman. CLIFFORD VISITS THE HOSPITAL. Puppy Clifford visits the hospital.
Cousins, Lucy. DOCTOR MAISY. Maisy plays at being a doctor with her friend Tallulah the bird.
DeRubertis, Barbara. IZZY IMPALA’S IMAGINARY ILLNESSES. To visit her busy grandfather the doctor, Izzy pretends to be sick.
James, Simon. NURSE CLEMENTINE. Clementine receives a toy nurse’s kit and uniform for her birthday.
Karim, Roberta. THIS IS A HOSPITAL, NOT A ZOO! Filbert turns into various animals to avoid getting a shot while at the hospital.
London, Jonathan. FROGGY GOES TO THE DOCTOR. Froggy is nervous about going to Dr. Mugwort for his check-up.
London, Jonathan. HERE COMES DOCTOR HIPPO. With his toy medical kit, Hippo pretends to be a doctor and tries to help the animals.
Reuterstrand, Siri. ELLIS GOES TO THE DOCTOR. Ellis goes to the doctor and luckily is cured of what ails him.
Rey, H.A. and Margret. CURIOUS GEORGE GOES TO THE HOSPITAL. The famous monkey swallows a piece of a jigsaw puzzle so he must go to the hospital.
Thaler, Mike. THE SCHOOL NURSE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON. A boy is nervous about seeing Nurse Hearse after hearing rumors about her from other students.
Westcott, Nadine Bernard. THE LADY WITH THE ALLIGATOR PURSE. With cartoon illustrations, this contains the text of the popular jump rope rhyme.