Spring storytimes can start with celebrations of “critters:” insects, birds, or lizards. After hearing some great stories and songs, you could give each child a small handful of clay or playdoh to make their own lizard, and then bring in a real lizard, borrowed from a pet store or a local nature center for them to observe!
Shannon, George. LIZARD’S HOME Snake takes over Lizard’s sleeping rock. Sequel to LIZARD’S SONG, both with great repetitive chants that the children will call out!
Johnston, Tony. THE IGUANA BROTHERS: A TALE OF TWO LIZARDS Dom and Tom, brother Iguanas, are seen in their adventures in the Southwest
Carle, Eric. THE MIXED-UP CHAMELEON A chameleon changes shape and color to match with his best friends
Lionni, Leo. A COLOR OF HIS WORLD At first, chameleon laments that he doesn’t have his “own” color, but then realizes that changing colors is to his advantage!
Mazer, Anne. THE SALAMANDER ROOM Set in the real world, a boy can’t find the salamander that has escaped his cage.
Hadithi, Mwenye. CRAFTY CHAMELEON Chameleon outwits Leopard and Crocodile in this pourquoi-style story.
Ryder, Joanne. LIZARD IN THE SUN A child transforms into an Anole lizard.