Harjo, Joy. Remember. Michaela Goade, Illus. Random House Studio/Random, 03/2023. [40]pp. Picture Book. Trade $18.99. 978-0-5934-8484-5. PLB $21.99. 978-0-5934-8483-8. GRADES Preschool–3. OUTSTANDING.
Illustrator Michaela Goade takes poet Joy Harjo’s piece “Remember” to new heights with her stunning and colorful illustrations. Dual-page spreads of deep blues, purples, and reds hold repeated imagery of stars and Pacific Northwest/Tlingit symbols which almost spring from page to page as they accompany the image of a young girl growing alongside the text of Harjo’s poem. The text and illustrations verbally and visually point out the connections to our communities, our families, and the natural world.
Rachael Reiley—Hillcrest Elementary K–8 / Oakland Unified School District