Clanton, Ben. Ploof. Ben Clanton, Illus. Addl. Creator Andy Chou Musser. Tundra, 09/2023. 56pp. Picture Book. Trade $18.99. 978-1-77488-192-7. GRADES Baby/Toddler–Preschool. ADDITIONAL.
Ploof is a friendly cloud full of feelings who needs the reader’s help. Big-eyed and puffy, Ploof mostly floats on a blue watercolor background. Questions invite interaction from the very young and page-turns reveal Ploof’s emotive responses. While some actions (blowing, guessing, clapping) seem possible for a group, others (shaking, hugging, high-fiving) would only work one-on-one. This sweet, though not particularly inspired, series of vignettes may be just the ticket for engaging young readers in social-emotional pantomime.
Melissa McAvoy—Retired