Krossing, Karen. Monster vs. Boy. Charlesbridge, 07/2023. 240pp. Fiction. Trade $17.99. 978-1-62354-356-3. GRADES 4 – 8. ADDITIONAL.
Dawz (a nondescript, seemingly white boy) loves to create new recipes, while Mim (a small monster with claws, scales, and horns) loves to explore “her” closet. Only after Mim decides to creep out does Dawz see her and pandemonium ensues. Mim runs, Dawz’s dad summons the police, and everyone searches for a monster that apparently only Dawz can see. Krossing’s storyline features a connection that draws them together, no matter how far Mim tries to run or how much Dawz is protected from the monster. While the tale neatly wraps up with a feel good ending, readers may not understand the explanations about their connection or where Mim came from. A different type of monster origin story that takes until nearly the end to grasp the relationship between the boy and the monster.
Joshua Rees—Daly City Public Library